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The Brown Mountain LightsHistory, Science and Human Nature Explain an Appalachian Mystery【電子書籍】[ Wade Edward Speer ]

The Brown Mountain LightsHistory, Science and Human Nature Explain an Appalachian Mystery【電子書籍】[ Wade Edward Speer ] The Brown Mountain LightsHistory, Science and Human Nature Explain an Appalachian Mystery【電子書籍】[ Wade Edward Speer ] The Brown Mountain LightsHistory, Science and Human Nature Explain an Appalachian Mystery【電子書籍】[ Wade Edward Speer ]

<p>Mysterious nighttime lights near Brown Mountain in North Carolina's Pisgah National Forest have intrigued locals and visitors for more than a century. The result of a three year investigation, this book identifies both manmade and natural light sources--including some unexpected ones--behind North Carolina's most famous ghost story. History, science and human nature are each found to play a role in the understanding and interpretation of the lights people see.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。


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